New Features & Changes

New Features & Changes

Play Marble World Game on PC

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We've also made some changes to the way the game is scored. The scoring system is now more fair, and takes into account the number of marbles you have left at the end of the game.

Finally, we've added a few new features. We've added a new type of marble that can be used to block your opponents' marbles. We've also added a new power-up that allows you to move two spaces at a time.

  • New world: The Marble World update introduces a new world to explore, full of treacherous traps and puzzles to solve.
  • New gameplay mechanics: In order to progress through the new world, players will need to master new gameplay mechanics such as wall-jumping and platforming.
  • New enemies: The update also introduces new enemies, including flying enemies that must be avoided or destroyed.
  • Fixes and improvements: As with all updates, the Marble World update also includes various fixes and improvements based on player feedback.

We hope you enjoy the new update!